The Babylon of Programming

Lets face it – there is no one programming language for all.
Sure, there is [language of your choice]. But how often do you go online to look for an algorithm to solve problem at hand, and the example source code you find is exactly in the [language of your choice]?

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Why is Lisp so great?, part 1

There are many books and texts about Lisp on the net, so I’ll leave out the “common” stuff, and I’ll try to show in this article one aspect of what makes Lisp the “most hackable” language out there.

If you think that tuples in .Net4 are awesome, or that F# is innovative, then you can stop here. This article is not for you… Seriously, don’t waste your time…

If, on the other hand, you ever wondered why your favourite language does not have this and this feature, ever wanted to hack the compiler (and/or really did), or found yourself writing bunch of a very similar code and spent days thinking of a way to refactor the code despite the limitations of the language at hand, then Lisp is The language for you.

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